Animal & pet Reiki

Animals of all kinds love Reiki and are very receptive and sensitive to healing energy.

Reiki can be a wonderful way to help your beloved pet heal from emotional and behavioural issues, to help manage pain, to speed recovery from illness or medical procedures, and to improve quality of life for elderly pets.

Animal Reiki sessions can take place in person or through distance healing.
Being an animal communicator, I sometimes receive additional insight during the reiki session that can help you understand your companion. These insights can provide helpful guidance and bring clarity to some of the more puzzling behaviours our pets can often exhibit.

Over the course of my practice, I have worked with Reiki and animals to:

  • help communicate with lost or missing pets
  • help heal abscesses and wounds
  • assist with calming hyperactive pets
  • helping with separation anxiety
  • help soothe digestive issues
  • stimulate appetite
  • ease pain and discomfort
  • help heal the bond between human and pet
  • help soothe and correct skin issues
  • assist with pets that are transitioning

Animals often respond best to a hands-off treatment at first, as they are so sensitive to Reiki energy. However, once they become comfortable with the energy they will often accept hands on treatment, even placing the parts of their bodies that need Reiki in the practitioners hands.

They may yawn, drool, or settle into a very relaxed sleep while receiving healing. Some animals will simply settle down and gaze at the practitioner, while others will practically press their whole body into your hands.

Each session is as unique as each animal, and the energy always adjusts to give each being what they require in that specific moment.


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