Chakra cleansing & Crystal Reiki

People today are becoming increasingly aware that we are much more than a physical body or a busy mind. New fields of science, with quantum physics leading the way, are proving that everything — including ourselves — is made up of energy.

For thousands of years, Eastern medicine — including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine — has recognized humans as a whole, inseparable combination of body, mind, and soul.

According to Hindu and yogic tradition, we have an energy system where prana — our vital force — flows to all parts of our body. This theory asserts that within this system are larger energy centers where a higher concentration of arteries, veins, and nerves exist. These locations are called chakras.

Chakras, meaning “wheels” in Sanskrit, are pools of energy with specific vibrations and colors that influence not only different physical regions of the body, but also emotional and spiritual well-being. Even though it’s said we have 114 of these centers spread throughout our body, in the chakra system there are seven major areas:

  • Root chakra: located at the base of the spine
  • Sacral chakra: found in the navel region
  • Solar plexus chakra: situated in the belly button area
  • Heart chakra: located at the center of the chest
  • Throat chakra: comprises the shoulder and neck areas
  • Third eye chakra: found between the eyebrows
  • Crown chakra: resides at the top of the head

In this guide, you’ll learn about what might block these energy centers, the importance of chakra cleansing, and what you can do to keep them open and balanced. At the very end, you’ll find a simple but powerful chakra cleansing meditation that can relieve stress, help you feel grounded, and align your energy.

What Blocks Chakras?

Many factors contribute to a blocked chakra, and you might be surprised to learn that they are quite similar to those linked to physical disease. 

For example, eating processed foods and not exercising may compromise the proper functioning of your energetic system. Likewise, holding on to painful emotions and old beliefs that keep you feeling stuck and unable to move forward can block your chakras and create stagnant energy. 

Here are some examples of energy-dense emotions and their corresponding chakras:

  • Root chakra: Fear, trauma, eating disorders
  • Sacral chakra: Emotional instability, addiction behaviors, fear of change
  • Solar plexus chakra: Bullying, lack of self-worth, mental, emotional, sexual, or physical abuse
  • Heart chakra: Stress, emotional pain, grief, unhealed emotional wounds, overthinking
  • Throat chakra: Low self-esteem, self-expression issues, fear of speaking your truth
  • Third eye chakra: A closed mind, blind obedience, not questioning your reality
  • Crown chakra: Overactive ego, deeply rooted negative beliefs, lack of meaningful relationships

It’s critical to identify and recognize these behaviors and patterns. When you do, you can focus on which energy centres you need to cleanse and begin to make positive changes.

The Importance of Chakra Cleansing

Closed or unaligned chakras can wreak havoc on you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Keeping your energy flowing through clear and unobstructed paths is crucial to experience vitality, high energy levels, and a healthy appetite for life. 

It’s believed that a blocked chakra stops the flow of energy, affecting you both psychologically and emotionally. If left unattended or unresolved, these issues could develop into physical symptoms that might lead to more significant health issues.

You can unblock and balance your energy centers using various chakra healing techniques. Meditation, yoga poses (also known as asanas), reiki, mindfulness, healthy eating, and healing chakra stonesare all powerful ways to get stagnant energy flowing. 


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