Healing Massage ​

Discover the Art of Healing Massage!

Are you seeking a unique and transformative experience that will promote your overall well-being and reduce stress? Look no further! Our healing massage is a fusion of Ayurveda, Reiki, and Acupressure, carefully designed to restore harmony to your mind, body, and soul. 

At Art of self healing, we understand that each individual is unique, and that’s why we begin by identifying your specific body type, or “Prakriti” as referred to in Sanskrit. By doing so, we can tailor our approach to provide a personalized healing journey just for you. 

Our skilled therapists utilize specially selected essential oils or medicated oils, chosen based on your body type, to enhance the healing process and promote relaxation. This ensures that stress is reduced, allowing your body to naturally heal itself. 

But that’s not all! We go the extra mile by incorporating Reiki into our massage sessions. Reiki is a complementary therapy focused on energy healing. Our practitioners transfer universal energy from their palms to you, effectively balancing your energy fields and promoting a deep sense of calm and vitality. 

Additionally, we integrate the power of Acupressure into your massage experience. Similar to acupuncture, Acupressure stimulates specific points on your body to encourage relaxation, prevent ailments, and promote overall wellness. You’ll feel rejuvenated from head to toe! 

Ready to embark on your healing journey? Book your session now by calling for an appointment.

Take a step towards holistic well-being and experience the transformative benefits of our healing massage. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to prioritize your health and wellness. Reserve your spot today and unlock the path to ultimate rejuvenation!