Release trapped emotions Program


Trapped emotions are harmful emotional energies created from past adverse events, and you are holding back these emotions in your body. When trapped in the body, these negative emotions can cause depression, anxiety, a relationship issue, indecisiveness, blockage in career growth, block people from love and happiness, and make them feel disconnected from others. And because trapped emotions are made of energy, lie the rest of the body, they influence the biological tissues, which can cause acute pain and even disease.

Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal, so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become more manageable. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) releases trapped emotions and even eliminate chronic pain, clear blocks to one’s creativity, remove barriers to moving forward with life goals and frees the heart to find the love and happiness you deserve.

EFT, also known as tapping or psychological acupressure. It involves tapping specific points on the body, primarily on the head and the face, in a particular sequence. While doing this, the person focuses on the issue that they wish to treat. This session includes:

•Identifying the trapped emotions
•Releasing trapped emotions through EFT technique
•Releasing trapped emotions through Reiki
•Releasing trapped emotions through five natural elements (Air, Fire, Earth, water, space)
•Releasing trapped emotions through breathing techniques
•Releasing trapped emotions through Affirmation