Six Folds Holistic Healing Program


The Six Folds Holistic Healing is to bring harmony in your life by restoring your health in the six folds; Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social, Financial and Spiritual. This program focuses on conscious living, conscious thinking, and conscious sleep. After completing this program, you will transform yourself into a happy and peaceful being.

This program will be customized based on the client’s needs. This program is very demanding – if you want to change your life, you must put extra effort into making it happen. Your full dedication, commitment, and willingness to complete the homework on time is expected. Please enroll in this program if you are sure that you want to transform your life.

Below is the outline of this program:

•Identify current problems (Personal & Professional)
•Identify the area of improvements required (Personal & Professional)
•Set the goals to bring success in all six-folds (Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social, Financial and Spiritual)
•Prepare road map to meet the goals
•Align with nature and work with energies
•Release trapped emotions
•Rewire your subconscious mind
•Mind Management
•Renew your life
•Restore your sleep
•Restore your Body Clock
•Healthy Food Habits for Mind & Body
•Prayers, Meditation & Chanting
•Yoga for emotional and mental health
•Yagna for releasing your karmic debts